I should've started running long time ago.
I fredags vart det balkonghäng hos far min,
pretty nice, vi lekte "sanning eller konsekvens" hahahah, Sara fick gå ner till grannen och fråga efter NSD =)
och jag fick sjunga inför alla " Hallelujah", hemskt.
Men det var en trevlig kväll med granna människor! =D
Mitt inatten så gjorde sandra såklart sina berömda varma mackor som hon alltid gör när hon är full och klockan är 3!
Orkar inte berätta mera om denna kväll.
when I woke up un saturday, Sara had been cleaning up the livingroom etc, that was really nice,
so all I had to do was the dishes.. Jonas and Lidde came around 12 o clock, stayed for a while and then they went home and i spented the rest of the day on the couch. Until Johanna called and wanted to do something, so I had to get up and take a shower, first we were gonna rent a movie but couldn't find any good ones, so we went to the movie instead!
and we watched ''maid of honor'', pretty great film, after that i went home to my moms place, watched some OC and fell asleep. Today my mom came home around 12 and woke me up and e took our bikes and went to the city, and that's pretty much my weekend! the rest you can figure out from the pictures! kyssbye.
pretty nice, vi lekte "sanning eller konsekvens" hahahah, Sara fick gå ner till grannen och fråga efter NSD =)
och jag fick sjunga inför alla " Hallelujah", hemskt.
Men det var en trevlig kväll med granna människor! =D
Mitt inatten så gjorde sandra såklart sina berömda varma mackor som hon alltid gör när hon är full och klockan är 3!
Orkar inte berätta mera om denna kväll.
when I woke up un saturday, Sara had been cleaning up the livingroom etc, that was really nice,
so all I had to do was the dishes.. Jonas and Lidde came around 12 o clock, stayed for a while and then they went home and i spented the rest of the day on the couch. Until Johanna called and wanted to do something, so I had to get up and take a shower, first we were gonna rent a movie but couldn't find any good ones, so we went to the movie instead!
and we watched ''maid of honor'', pretty great film, after that i went home to my moms place, watched some OC and fell asleep. Today my mom came home around 12 and woke me up and e took our bikes and went to the city, and that's pretty much my weekend! the rest you can figure out from the pictures! kyssbye.