just someone I used to know
Whyd you come in here lookin like that
In your high heeled boots and your painted-on jeans
All decked out like a cowgirls dream
Waltzing right in here lookin like that
Whyd you come in here lookin like that
When you could stop traffic in a gunney sack
Why youre almost givin me a heart attack
When you waltz right in here lookin like that

Igår lekte jag med denne man, ryds, vi fota och såg skins!
Det blir fan alltid roliga bilder med dig! pöss.

Chinos är givet
In your high heeled boots and your painted-on jeans
All decked out like a cowgirls dream
Waltzing right in here lookin like that
Whyd you come in here lookin like that
When you could stop traffic in a gunney sack
Why youre almost givin me a heart attack
When you waltz right in here lookin like that

Igår lekte jag med denne man, ryds, vi fota och såg skins!
Det blir fan alltid roliga bilder med dig! pöss.

Chinos är givet